Blue Carbon Projects is a REDD+ project developer focusing on the Conservation of pristine mangroves and Restoration & Reforestation of degraded mangrove.

Our Blue Carbon project areas are coastal ecosystems of mangroves, tidal marshes, and seagrass meadows, which provide numerous benefits and services that are essential for climate change adaptation along coasts globally, including:

  • Protection from storms and sea level rise,

  • Prevention of shoreline erosion,

  • Regulation of coastal water quality,

  • Provision of habitat for commercial fisheries and endangered marine species

  • Food security for many coastal communities.

BCP Project Areas Bring Foreign Investment to Our Project Partner Countries




The Importance of Mangroves

Global Fish Catch relying on mangrove forests (directly and indirectly)
Increase in fish populations when mangrove forests are restored to their original state
Effectiveness of mangrove Carbon Storage, compared to terrestrial forests (tCO2)

Blue Carbon Projects Specializes in REDD+ Blue Carbon

Blue Carbon is the carbon captured by the world’s coastal ocean ecosystems, mostly mangroves, salt marshes, seagrasses and potentially macroalgae.

Research on the role of vegetated coastal ecosystems has highlighted their potential as highly efficient carbon sinks and led to the scientific recognition of the term “Blue Carbon“, designating carbon that is fixed via coastal ocean ecosystems, rather than traditional land ecosystems, like forests.

Blue Carbon Projects  brings expertise on Conservation of pristine mangrove forest Restoration and Reforestation of degraded mangrove Forest.

Additionally, our dedicated team brings real-world experience on the successful development and ongoing operation of REDD+ Projects, which focus on community development and support for local community members.

Mangroves and Carbon

Mangrove ecosystems account for 0.7% of the world’s tropical forests, yet the deforestation of these ecosystems account for 15% of global carbon emissions

0 Lbs
Lost fish, per year, when ONE square mile of mangroves are lost

Although the ocean’s vegetated habitats cover less than 0.5% of the seabed, they are responsible for 50% to 70% of all carbon storage in ocean sediments.

BCP’s conservation, community development and investment programs are Blue Carbon REDD+ programs which bring triple bottom line benefits to all stakeholders (including local community members) by realizing:

  • Economic & Development Investment

  • Clean Water & Renewable Energy Initiatives

  • Healthcare Assistance Programs

  • Cash Crop Development

  • Access to the World’s Carbon Offset Markets

  • Conservation & Sustainable Development

  • Food Security & Protection from Coastal Erosion

If You Have Access To …

  • Pristine or degraded mangrove forests (Preferably 10,000 Ha or larger)

  • Graduate-study or Research projects.